The New York Yankees’ hand gestures during celebrations in 2024 have a unique mythology. Similar to the enigmatic maps at the start of each Lord of the Rings book, Alex Verdugo helps clarify things.
These days, after significant plays, the Yankees rush toward the dugout making small dog hand signs, resembling shadow puppets, and bark frequently. Dog-themed symbols have already appeared on t-shirts and postgame tweets, signifying the obvious: dogs are determined, persistent, and loyal companions. So far, we’re on board.

Verdugo took it further on Tuesday night, asking the media, “Who doesn’t like to bark?” and then explaining the progression of the Yankees/Dawgs as they age through the day/game, which seems like an unnecessary twist but we’ll go with it.
According to Verdugo, the Yankees’ celebration starts with them as tiny chihuahuas.
Does this mean they begin as baby dogs every day? Why does the celebration disregard the laws of nature for dogs?
Verdugo has embraced the chihuahua theme in recent days, adjusting his high socks and jewelry style while achieving a 3-for-3 game against the Marlins, followed by his first Yankee Stadium home run, a crucial hit in a 3-2 victory on Tuesday.
His one-knee swing was impressive, but his explicit celebration in the dugout took center stage.
If Verdugo’s main contribution in 2024 is crafting and explaining the team’s engaging celebrations, that might be sufficient, as Jasson Dominguez is expected to join eventually. In the meantime, Verdugo is showing improvement at the plate. Combine his hitting, defense, and lively celebrations, and there could be something special happening.