Given the Bulls’ diminished depth caused by injuries, Billy caution managing the player

Despite facing uncertainty and immense pressure regarding his future, DeMar consistently brushes off any drama attempting to tie him down with the franchise. He maintains unwavering commitment, professionalism, and a willingness to lead the Chicago Bulls. Although Deebo is thrilled to be at the forefront of the Bulls’ momentum, there is apprehension about how he will stay motivated, particularly with his teammates Zach LaVine and Nikola Vucevic sidelined for an extended duration.

Handle the level of visibility:

In the ongoing season, Deebo maintains an average of 36.6 minutes per game, making him the leader in minutes played for the entire team. On a league-wide scale, he ranks within the Top 6. However, given his age and the substantial workload he bears, the current average minutes pose a potential risk for what might transpire in the upcoming games. In his recent 10 games, he exceeded 40 minutes of play on five occasions.

Donovan expressed apprehension regarding Deebo’s growing playing time, acknowledging the circumstances with Torrey, Vooch, and Zach sidelined. He emphasized the need to be mindful of Deebo’s minutes, regularly consulting with him and appreciating his open communication regarding his capacity to play.

Young guns should step up

As it is, the Bulls cannot afford to lose another body, and they cannot truly survive if DeMar once unfortunately gets inflicted by an injury bug.

Coach Donovan still has considerable pieces to consider which he can give increased minutes as a response to managing the load of DeMar. Besides Alex Caruso and Ayo Dosunmu, both Dalen Terry and Julian Philips appear serviceable enough to count on as the two can provide a fresher output as the team’s young guns.

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