Jorge Lopez paying dividends Mets tenure

When Jeremy Hefner examined Jorge López’s performance in 2022, he observed a significant emphasis on sinkers, with half of his 1,161 pitches being sinkers. López credited his success that season, including his All-Star appearance, to his grip on the sinker, which he threw at an average speed of 98 mph. However, in 2023, as López struggled and moved between teams, he reduced his sinker usage to only 34 percent.

Jorge Lopez believes he still has the 'stuff' to be key Mets arm

Despite this, López maintained his belief in the sinker, forming the foundation of their pitching strategy for 2024. Hefner explained that hitters would determine if the sinker wasn’t effective. López’s initial performances in 2024 showed promising results, with him using the sinker 41 percent of the time and opponents batting .143 against it.

López expressed his confidence in rebuilding his career with the help of his sinker. Hefner highlighted the sinker’s effectiveness against right-handed batters, who have only managed a .100 batting average against López this season. Despite a decline in velocity since 2022, López remained unfazed, stating that velocity doesn’t matter as much as command.

Looking ahead, Hefner and the Mets aim to rediscover López’s lost velocity, exploring mechanical adjustments and weather factors. López believes he still possesses the same pitching prowess as in 2022, despite setbacks in his career trajectory. So far, focusing on his sinker has yielded positive results, and López is determined to maintain this approach to regain his form from 2022.

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